Saturday, March 12, 2011

Mom and Beau's slumber party weekend!

The fort making begins!
Beau's fort in Mom's was awesome!
Our Omniplex date day!

Beau can create anything...literally anything!
We had SO much fun, it was a special weekend together! There is no one like the Beau-man.

Oklahoma Snow and Pops amazing fort!

This is the amazing fort Pops made for the grandkids...
only took him like 7 hours!  Everything he does is amazing
and he does it with all his heart! :)
Pops and Brooks making snow balls!
Brooks and cousin Annie LOVE each other!
                                                   These two are BIG Buddies,
                                                   Brooks adores his Pops and
                                               never turns down a balloon animal.

Mighty Men of God!

Brooks loves getting in the bunk beds for "fort time"
 before heading to his crib.

Potty Training and having fun!!

First time on the new froggy potty and YES,
 it was a success!!
There is nothing this little man doesn't make fun!!
                                                            He's SOOOO proud!!!!!

More Christmas 2010

Oak, Sam and Brooks....looking comfortable and happy!

Christmas morning at the Bennett house!

I love my new treadmill!  Chris is SO sneaky
Brooks loved his stocking stuffers!!

Nate holding our traditional Christmas tree coffee cake
Christmas morning breakfast without bacon and my green robe??
Baby Joy
just beginning to show!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Hopkins Christmas in our PJ's

The boys and cousins in their Christmas PJ's!

Antioch Kids Christmas Play

I love this Picture!!!!  
Naters and Dad are looking mighty handsome and like twins as usual. proud!

Well, I'm starting back at this past Christmas 2010.  This was the Antioch kids Christmas play and was so adorable! Beau was Sam the shepherd and was a natural on stage.  Mr. Nate was an amazing background singer, and as you can tell was the sharpest dresser there!